Two Months after the Ordeal

Published on 14 July 2023 at 15:44

Hello everyone!

It has officially been two months and a couple days since I published Fireweaver, and I do believe that it is high time to update you all on what has been going on in my life, the rather lengthy break I took, and what is next for me and River Writing.

So let us start with the basics- What a year! What a wonderful, yet confusing and unbelievably foggy year. I am aware that it is not quite New Year's Eve, but it might as well be for me. I turned nineteen years old in June, which means that I reached my main goal ever since I got the idea of writing book stuck in my teenaged head. I published a book in my eighteenth year, and it has been wonderful.

I have since been featured in a local newspaper, which made it truly hit me that a milestone has been reached. Even so, I am not done yet, which brings me to my next point, the break I took.

I took a moment to regain my bearings. During the month of June, I spent time with family, friends, my partner, and a journalist to get that newspaper article out of the door. I am happy to have taken this time, for it allowed me to get a grip on what I want, what I need, and what has to be done.

I will still be going to university to safeguard my own financial stability in the future, but writing will remain a major focus. As I start work on my next novel, I also take steps in approaching local book stores and companies that can help me get noticed. The e-book version of Fireweaver is to be released very soon, and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

I will also be taking my online presence to a new level. This blog will be seeing more and more action as this month moves along, while I will also be spending time rebranding my other socials, in the hopes of attracting more readers.

In doing so, I will also be writing more short stories again, like I used to, for free. I might even be writing this on stream someday, as there are plans for that as well. I have also been considering creating a Patreon for myself, in case anyone might be willing to support this undertaking I have chosen to continue. Perhaps not, but it might help me seem more serious about all this. 

In any case, I wish to gain you lot's opinions as well, therefore I will be leaving two polls here as well.

That will be all for now!

Please, leave a vote below, and above all, stay safe!


What social media should be my focus?

Should I create a Patreon? (Including the advantages of being a patron, of course)

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