
Published on 21 April 2022 at 16:06

Hello everyone,


I would like to start this post with stating that I have absolutely no idea how many people actually read these posts. I don't know if I am writing for one person, ten, or fifty, here. And I have been trying to get a lay of the land for a little while now.


You see, part of me looks at the amount of subscribers of my Youtube channel and wonders, 'is this an accurate estimate?' Of course, I cannot be sure, so I am going to try something new to get a more vivid idea of the amount of people that visit this site. Thus, I have created a poll, right on the front page. Or if you happen to be on the website as I publish this post, that would be soon.


The poll will be relatively simple and self-explanatory, so I would truly appreciate it if you could give your honest statement on it.


Then onto the next subject, which is very closely linked to the previous one. I am currently in a phase of my writing 'career', so to speak, where things are moving, if slowly. And I am starting to wonder how and if I should expand. When I say expand, I mean not much by it. To be more specific, I would be aiming to create a subreddit, an Amino, maybe even a new Discord server. Again, I am just blundering around in the dark here, trying to get my bearings.


So feel free to leave behind your take on things, right below this post, in the shape and form of a comment. Even if you would just like to say that you find me to be an absolute douchebag, that gives me insight too, so anything that comes to mind is appreciated. Do try to be civil though, and respectful, of course.


That would be all for now,


Good day, stay safe


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