Hello everyone!
I am aware that I have been gone for a while. One month and two days, to be exact. But allow me to catch you up on my plans.
I have been experimenting with my ability to write, attempting different styles and types, from poetry to scripts, and I have been thinking about finding a proper purpose for my Youtube channel.
So, I have decided to start looking into, perhaps, audio books. Now what I mean by that exactly, is that I will attempt to look for people willing to voice a few people in some shorter stories I have written. I will narrate it, see what I can do for the visual part, and give the characters more personality by involving real people. That is the plan, at least.
Now for what I have done previously, this is quite the ambitious plan. I have never done anything like this before, and there will be a lot of mucking about and finding out to be done, yet I am confident that, eventually, I will pull it off. Now, I have learnt my lesson with Steelborn. Sometimes it is a matter of motivation and inspiration. So I will not give you all a release date. Not yet, at least.
Thank you to everyone who still sticks around and reads this.
That would be all,
Good day, stay safe
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