WTSA Advancement

Published on 8 September 2022 at 18:39

Hello everyone!


I hope that you are all having a great day.


Today something new. For those of you who have been around for the longest, this might be something you have seen from me before. I used to have a Discord server where I would post prototypes of my main project, When the Stars Align. I stopped posting them when I started working on the final draft of the story, and today I want to share some of that progress with you all.


So, today, on this page here -> https://www.riverwriting.net/when-the-stars-align

You will find an added file right there underneath the description to part one. I suggest you check it out if you have been waiting, to see what I have been up to.


I have never given up on this project, and am still working on it! Don't lose hope, for I definitely will not!


Let me know what you think,

Good day, stay safe


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